What to know before cleaning a baseball cap

A baseball cap that sees a lot of action, whether on or off the field, can become sweat soaked, grimy, and even stinky. Cleaning your cap will not only make it look better, it will also prolong its wearable life.

How Often Should You Wash a Hat?

Opinions differ, with some advocating you should wash a cap a few times a year. The worn-in look of a sweat-stained cap may add some activewear credibility, but the crust should come off at some point! However, even the most devoted regular usage limit should be required to wash once a year.

How do you wash a baseball cap without ruining it?

First and foremost, you must first determine the material of your baseball hat before washing it. Check the tag and read the care label to learn more about the fabric and how to care for the product. Check the manufacturer's website or ask your dry cleaner if your hat is missing a tag.

To assist you in making an educated decision, here are some of the most popular materials used in baseball caps:


Cotton and cotton twill baseball caps are normally machine washable. Keep in mind that unless the cotton is pre-shrunk, it will shrink by at least half a size when washed in hot water. Cotton baseball hats are often more likely to fade when cleaning, so make sure to test their color fastness by washing them according to the instructions.


New caps made of man-made materials such as polyester, acrylic, jersey mesh, and blends of cotton are typically colorfast and sturdy enough in cleaning. However, it’s not unheard of for this type of hat (or any hat, for that matter) to be damaged in the washing machine.


Cleaning older hats is a delicate procedure, so take your time. If you have an old baseball hat from the early 1980s, do not submerge it in water because it is likely to have a cardboard bill that will break down and lose its shape. Handle an old hat with caution because it could be a collector's piece.


Do not wash a leather or suede baseball cap with water if it has not been chemically treated to be water-resistant. Use a dark-collared cloth to spot clean some dirt and gently brush it away in a circular motion. If that does not work, get it cleaned by a professional.

Quick Cleaning:

Pour cool water into a clean sink or basin and add a drop or two of mild laundry detergent products (can be bought at any shop). To make suds, submerge the hat in the water and agitate it.

Soak the hat in the water for 5 to 10 minutes.

Remove the hat and thoroughly clean it with cool water. Squeeze excess water out of the hat gently, but avoid twisting the brim, as this will cause it to bend out of shape. Pat the hat down with a clean towel. Hang the hat to dry or reshape it and place it on a towel to dry.

Deep Cleaning:

Pour cool water into a clean sink or basin and add a drop or two of mild laundry detergent products (can be bought at any shop). To make suds, submerge the hat in the water and agitate it.

Drop the hat into the bath to target specific stains, then rub a dab of laundry detergent products on the stain. Scrub the infected area gently with a gentle toothbrush.

Soak the hat for about an hour in the solution– this is something you need to account for! You should be able to see if the stains have been removed by examining the hat.

Rinse the hat under cold, running water. Then, to reshape and dry the hat, repeat step three and four above.

How to wash a baseball cap by hand

Hand-washing your hat is the only way to thoroughly disinfect it. This is a simple task that will take you about 30 minutes to complete.

To clean your baseball caps, follow the steps below:

  1. In a mixing bowl, combine 12 cups of cool water and mild detergent products.

  2. Put on gloves as laundry detergent can irritate your skin. Spot clean the hat with a scrub brush, sponge, or toothbrush.

  3. To clear stubborn stains from a white hat, use a color-safe bleach.

  4. Using cool water, rinse the cap.

  5. Hang the baseball cap to air dry naturally.

Believe it or not, you can clean your hat the same way you clean your hair. You can use baby shampoo to give your hat a light clean. Like washing your hair, wet the baseball cap with some water and put some baby shampoo on a toothbrush. Using the brush, scrub the hat and then rinse away the baby shampoo to leave a baseball cap that is squeaky clean!

Can you wash a baseball cap in the washing machine?

Throw it in with the rest of your laundry!

Many caps are made of washable fabrics that are identical to certain clothes, such as khaki shorts, jeans, or heavy-cotton work shirts. Quality caps may be washed in the same manner as cotton, twill, or polyester clothing, such as in cool or warm water with mild laundry soap. 

However, always read the cap's care and laundry instructions – the washing machine whirlpool may damage your hat if you choose the incorrect settings. Pre-treat stains with a decent stain remover, such as sweat stains on a ball cap; never use bleach on caps.

You can do this by hand with a hand-operated washing machine that will make a whirlpool to clean your clothes. This may give you more control but will need more attention.

Can I dry my baseball cap in tumble dryers?

Drying a wet baseball cap is not a good idea. It will shrink whether it’s made of cotton or polyester. Instead, let it air dry on a towel.

Using dryers may leave your hat a little misshapen if you do not use a hat frame. Place the hat over a balled-up towel that fills the entire cavity to reshape it and prevent large wrinkles from forming. If wrinkles do appear, use a wrinkle release spray.